Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Calling All Cards?
Not long ago, I posted a little blurb about a cool chick I call "PurseLover". That name came from part of her "title" printed on her business cards. I sorta fell in love with the idea of having an interesting title like that. Here is the deal though. I need help picking one out. I honestly do not know how many people read this little bit of a blog, but if all of you (feel free to do it anonymously) would give me a few suggestions, I think it would be fun. Admittedly a wee bit self-indulgent on my part, but fun! In my profile I described my occupation as "Full-time mom/part-time yogi. While accurate, it lacks the flair I am looking for. Perhaps though, I lack the flair I am looking for? There's a title for you...Flairless Middle-Aged Mom/Yoga Instructor. Oooh... perhaps I should rethink this calling card idea altogether? Hopefully someone out there can come up with something better. And it's ok with me if you make me sound more interesting than I really am, but please Help!
Wii Wish You A Merry Christmas...
Wii say the darndest things
"I totally ninja'd that!
"I've got the force."
"I'm not THAT bad at walking."
"Last time you tried to fix something, we blew up."
"Those are really fast units!"
"Holy mackerel, that one is on acid!"
"I got hit in the face with a squash."
"Santa brought us this 'cuz he didn't know that mom hates video games."
"I'll just stand here and look cute."
"I am all crumpled and I twitch, that equals sick."
"I cannot reflect power of that magnitude."
"Can we pleeeease trade bodies?"
"You should have seen that there was a CLIFF!"
"I blew something up for you." "Awww how romantic."
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Blogger on Blogging

Quote of the day: "A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from share your shopping list, to change the world."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cool By Association

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
All You Need is Love...
Today is Hunky Hubby's Birthday. Happy Birthday Love! This is the 19th time we have celebrated this occasion together. Yeah! So, as a tribute...41 things I love about HH (41 is just a random number--it isn't because that is how old he is or anything like that!) He...
41. Has great legs
40. Will eat almost anything
39. Is amazingly strong
38. Loves the outdoors
37. Helps with laundry and yucky chores
36. Always calls me by cutsie pet names
35. Whenever I see something I like he always says "buy it" even though I never do
34. Doesn't watch sports except BYU football (and that is with me)
33. Is ridiculously smart!
32. Works really hard
31. Is careful with money
30. Works at staying physically fit
29. Is sweet to kids
28. Mops the kitchen floor on his hands and knees
27. Keeps the yard looking nice
26. Always supports my quirky ideas
25. Has a terrific smile
24. Is a good athlete
23. Doesn't stink when he gets sweaty
22. Grows a nice beard and mustache, but shaves before I get tired of it
21. Tells me I am a good cook, even though I am not
20. Tells me I am good at other things, even though I am not
19. Probably actually believes I am good at those things
18. Is cuter now than when we met
17. Is incredibly good with babies
16. Cleans up poop and puke
15. Is not a work-aholic
14. Always does the driving on long trips
13. Takes us on long trips to cool places
12. Is quite brave
11. Likes to camp, hike and bike with me
10. Has a good sense of humor
9. Doesn't mind that I am ornery and sarcastic
8. Is an Eagle Scout (c'mon was there any doubt?)
7. Knows what good music is
6. Likes foreign movies
5. Laughs at the same stuff I do
4. Has awesome burns!
3. Has good taste in shoes
2. Is adventurous
1. Is mine!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The SanFrancisco Treat

I have always wanted to learn to play the flute. Maybe not always, but a long time, for sure. About 7 years ago I mentioned this to HH, and he remembered. At Christmas, I was never more surprised to unwrap a gift in my entire life. I always ask for, and usually receive, very practical, useful and frugal gifts. Everything else has always seemed extravagant. This gift still makes me smile. Every time I pick it up to play, I think of that wonderful Christmas! Thanks babe.
Now...the less happy memory, that actually turned out to be a rather happy memory, or at least one that I can tell the kids when they get to whining about stuff that they don't have!
I was away at college Thanksgiving 1990. Money was tight, so I stayed at school for the holiday break. (If my mom reads this ... I know you would have flown me home, but I didn't want to spend the money, ok!) My friend Pam was in the same boat (I know she is reading this!). We were the only 2 in our whole building who did not go home for the break (insert sniff). We were in dormitories with no kitchen, but our "House Mom" said that we could use her kitchen If we wanted. Only it never occurred to Pam or me to get any food to cook in this kitchen! We were fine the first day or two of the break, with the cafeteria and restaurants open. Then...Thanksgiving morning. We head to the kitchen to cook up a nice, even if perhaps untraditional, Turkey Day feast! I am sure you have figured out by now what we found! (Laughing yet Puma?) Ya, nothing much. The only thing in the kitchen was Rice-A-Roni, icecream cones, and some tremendously freezer burnt vanilla icecream. That was our feast. And believe you me, we were grateful to have it! We boo-hooed and felt sufficiently sorry for ourselves for most of the day. But...guess what else? The pizza places deliver after 5:00pm on Thanksgiving...who knew!?
Quote of the Day:"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
--Oscar Wilde playwright
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
StockingStuffers and RollerSkates

A favorite, every-other-year cuz you outgrow them, gift I remember well was roller skates. I grew up in California, so we could actually use this gift christmas morning. The year I got my first tennis shoe skates was memorable as well. I looked awesome skating to school with those peeking out from the bottom of my Dittos. I was rad! I relished the 1980's gifts of sweaters that were 3 sizes too big, gaudy plastic jewelry & leg warmers, and the new fangled musical storage device,the cassette tape, along with the boom box or Walkman to play them!
Fast forward to my first Christmas with Hunky Hubby. (Well, our first married Christmas...the year we were dating at Christmas, he went skiing with some chick named Heather, but that is a post for another day!) We were poor college students and we would be heading to my parents house for Christmas so HH said we should not do a tree. I really wanted one. While I was in class one day, Hubby managed to get a little Charlie Brown tree for free from the cubscouts who had given up on selling the sad sapling. He dragged it to our little apartment and borrowed lights from a neighbor and covered it with Christmas ribbon tied in little bows. I knew he was a keeper from the beginning! I have the added bonus of being married to a Christmas baby. I try to be careful to make sure that his birthday is special and doesn't just blend into the next week. That includes not wrapping his birthday presents in Christmas paper turned inside out!
We of course have our own traditions now with our own little family. A favorite of everyone's is putting out the Nativity scene.
When our oldest (girl, 16) was about 4, we painted ceramic Nativity pieces. She was in charge of the animals. All went well until she got tired of brown donkeys, brown camels and brown cows. We, therefore, have a purple cow with black spots and a gold head in our Nativity scene. Yes, it is one of a kind...just like this daughter!
Have yourself a Merry little Christmas...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Conversations with Brother--We aren't the only ones, right?
ME: Well, let's say I am at the gym and a John Fogerty song comes on and I say, "woo hoo--5th best rock vocalist ever" People look at me kinda weird.
BRO: Why? That is cool. If I heard some chick say "wow that guy is the 7th best drummer ever", even if she was wrong and he was actually the 15th best drummer ever, I would ask her to marry me.
ME: (uncontrollable hysterical laughter)
BRO: What is so funny?
ME: So, hypothetically, if you heard some girl say "Keith Moon is the 7th best drummer ever", even if she is wrong and Keith Moon is the 15th best drummer ever, you'd think she was cool?
BRO: Ya, except Moon is third.
ME: (even more intense uncontrollable hysterical laughter--he takes this stuff soooo seriously, it was hypothetical!) Just outta curiosity, who are #1 and #2?
BRO: C'mon! It is so obvious!
ME: Well (temporarily forgetting his name) the drummer for Zeppelin is surely up there.
BRO: (a little irked at my obvious lack of focus) John Bonham, yes #2.
ME: (messing with the kid) Um...Michael McDonald from The Doobies or maybe that one-armed guy from Def Leppard.
At this point I realize, of course, that there is no point in arguing with the lad, he never changes his mind! I also pointed out that he is the nerdiest nerdface that I know and perhaps we both ought to have a psychiatric evaluation. Other people talk about this stuff, right? We can't be the only ones...
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