Like the cat who finds the one small patch of sun drenched carpet to take her nap, I too follow the sun. Today is the first day of Spring! This last week has brought me more joy than any woman should have at something so simple as the changing of the seasons. The kids feel it too. There is something primitive, instinctual about the spring thaw. I can feel it deep inside myself. The temperatures that sent us running for cover last Fall, now seem refreshing, rejuvenating, revitalizing (it isn't hard to alliterate 're' words!). Boots are traded for sandals. Heavy coats and wooly hats are happily left dangling from their hooks, not quite ready to be packed away just yet. Sleds are pushed further and further to the back of the garage as we dig for bikes, scooters, skates and chalk. Is rebirth too strong a word? That is how I feel, reborn! I sit on the porch soaking up the warmth and breathing in the life, the green that I know is there waiting just under the ground for that perfect moment to emerge. It happens every year. Yet the miracle never ceases to amaze me. With the memory of cold and dark so fresh in my mind, the blue sky and temperate air seems almost like an hallucination. I know from experience that we are not completely rid of Old Man Winter just yet which makes it all the more imperative that I bask, delight and appreciate Mother Nature today. All I can say is that I am love, Love, LOving it!

Quote of the Day: "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken."
--Oscar Wilde playwright
It's nice to look out my window and see you sitting in the sun reading. It reminds me that we are almost done with this yucky weather!! Can't wait to have green grass either!!
ReplyDeleteI love your gift of expression. Unfortunately I don't look forward to spring/summer with the same degree of enthusiasm you do. I love having my girls home, but in AZ the warmer weather means everything the winter rains turned green will turn brown and the stifling heat will keep us indoors. That is when I always wonder why we live here. But then November comes and I remember. :-)
ReplyDeleteI know how that feels. That is why I take advantage of every sunny day. It will snow again tomorrow likely. Eventually that will turn to 100 degrees and we will be back indoors as well. Such is life I guess. But keeps us on our toes!