But I just have to make myself sit here for a few minutes and tell you a story. I went to see the often unapologetic, somewhat incorrigible, but always lovable Dr. V a couple of weeks ago for my semi-annual check up. If you missed some of last months posts, Dr. V is my endocrinologist. He oversees the care that I take of my Insulin Resistance. He pushes me to eat more carefully, to exercise more efficiently, and to just take good care of myself in general. He does this with considerable knowledge and unequalled intelligence all laced with a rather acerbic wit.
That being said, it is his sarcasm that is the catalyst for this story today. At the end of my visit this time, Doc looked at the ol' chart and asked me if I was current on my latest mammogram.
"Uh, um, like, mammogram, mammogram?"
"Yes. When was your last mammogram?" He doesn't find me nearly as funny as I find him.
"Well see, I know I am nearly 42 and I should have already had a couple of these, and since it is nearly my birthday again, I should have another one here real soon and so, like, um, I have never had a mammogram." Still not funny I guess.
He turns his little spinny stool around to face his computer again and records into his little microphone thingy, "Patient 0370 Nature Girl, N-a-t-u-r-e, G-i-r-l doing well, blah blah doctor stuff, blah blah. Is overdue for mammogram. I am writing her a prescription for the test, what she does with it is her business, but if she gets breast cancer, she has been warned, so it is on her head not mine." What did I tell you...Hilarious huh?
There may have been some sort of stern look or eye rolling, but I was laughing so hard, I couldn't see well through tears.
So there you have it. I am overdue for a mammogram. What do you think of this? Do you ladies go? Maybe you are all too young to worry about that yet? I know that this post begs for a very obvious followup post, but it may take more than a big push to get the girls in the smasher in the first place, so a followup seems lightyears away. Go ahead, inspire me, reprimand me, encourage me. All I know is that actually getting a mammogram sounds like some pretty golden writing material, so it seems that for the sake of my craft, I ought to go through with it. And yet... it sounds rather inconvenient on so many levels...
Quote of the Day: "If life gives you lemons, stick them down your shirt and make your boobs look bigger."--someone funny, I mean inappropriate |