But in case you are in the dark as I was about your crunchiness, here is my tutorial. What we do that may seem crunchy to some, but I stand by it as being completely normal!
- Recycle---Everybody is doing it. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I do because it has become so cliche.
- Eat Food. As natural, local and seasonal as possible--God made food for us to enjoy and to nourish and strengthen our bodies. People tampered with food and mixed food with chemicals to try to kill us. We eat food.
- Chickens--People have been raising animals for millennia. Eggs are better fresh. Plus chickens are funny to watch. Pretty cheap entertainment (make that "cheep"...get it?).
- Clean Naturally--Way cheaper. Way healthier for us and Mother earth. Works just as well. Still fighting with Hunky Hubby about toilet bowl cleaner, but trust me...he is wrong on this one.
- Compost--Also been going on forever. My parents did it. Black gold. I keep a little bin on the kitchen counter for scraps and take it out to the compost bin in the yard every couple of days. Twice a year I have beautiful fertilizer for the garden at no extra cost to me! This is sounding like I am just cheap not crunchy.
- Gardening--this is sooo normal in my area that I look like a total amateur compared to my neighbors, but we eat what we grow and we have fun with it. Except the weeds. I hate the weeds.
- Debt free---Cash on the barrelhead Pa always says. That was a line from Little House on the Prairie not me, but it is good advice.
- Potty rocks or logs--This is a name we came up with when our kids were tiny. There is an art to finding just the right spot in the woods to conduct business. I think perhaps this is why some of my girlfriends have labeled me. I am actually pretty good at locating these precious spots.
- General attitude of frugality and stewardship over the earth and the things that we have. "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without". I must admit that I do see a lack of this in our country today, but I think the attitude is changing. Mass consumerism is losing its appeal. People are prioritizing and simplifying. Nice to see.
Quote of the Day: "Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves."
~John Muir